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Overcoming Challenges to Build a Thriving Business: My Journey

business empowerment business growth business success ceo journey chantelle seaman entrepreneur life entrepreneurship self-made ceo small business tips women in business Jul 13, 2024
Chantelle Seaman - The Self-Made CEO Blog. Empowering self-made individuals to thrive in their businesses.

Hello, CEOs!

Welcome to my first blog as a bad-ass small business coach. Here, I share my journey of building a self-made business and offer insights to help you on your own path. 

Let me introduce myself. HEY! My name is Chantelle, and I’m the proud owner of a wedding and portrait business in Central Queensland, Australia, and a mum to three amazing girls. I’m also head over heels in love with my soulmate, Hayden.

Starting a business is never easy, especially when you come from a background of limited education and a challenging upbringing. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to push through personal limiting beliefs and turn your dreams into reality. 

Today, I want to share a bit of my story with you, in the hope that it inspires you to keep going, no matter the obstacles you face.

Let’s dig in!

I grew up as one of five children, raised by a single mum who worked tirelessly to provide for us. We didn’t have much, and I often felt like the “dirty, poor kid” at school, which deeply affected my self-worth. Despite these challenges, I always had a passion for photography, even since getting my first camera at 15.

At 21, I had my first daughter, Sienna, and soon after, my second daughter, Millie. Balancing motherhood and my passion for photography was tough. I worked multiple jobs to make ends meet while trying to grow my business on the side. I had no freaking idea how to make money in my business, I just took some pretty nice pictures and got paid for it. But, I was burnt out, had no great income to speak about and started to hate photographing because I felt like I was going nowhere. I was about to give up!

It wasn’t until I had my third daughter, Riley, and faced the challenges of the pandemic that I realised I needed to make some big changes to turn my passion into a full-time career. Because, how the hell was I supposed to work a “normal” job, look after a baby and try to make money in today’s economy? 

In 2022, I decided to invest in a mentor from the United States. Check her out here! Joy Michelle

This was a game-changer for me. Over six months, I transformed my business, learning how to earn a full-time wage in part-time hours while being there for my girls. Mentorship and coaching played a crucial role in my success, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to turn their business or life around. Once I started playing the BUSINESS GAME, my business finally felt GOOD and I was making BIG money.

Through this journey, I discovered my passion for helping others. I didn’t want other photographers to go through the same struggles I did. That’s why I started coaching and mentoring small business owners and photographers, sharing everything I’ve learned along the way. I’ve always believed in the power of sharing knowledge and supporting others, and I’m here to help you succeed.

Building resilience and working through personal limiting beliefs were key to my success. 

I want you to know that you are capable of achieving so much, even if your start wasn’t perfect, and I want to show you how!

Stay tuned for more episodes where I’ll share tips, value insights, no bullshit advice, and stories from other successful entrepreneurs. Let’s take this journey together and build the life and business you love.

With love, Chan x